...Well, my interpretation of this question revolves around a basic freedom of self - the things you surround yourself with, blog about or choose to comment on is an extension of said freedom. Whether you lust after an uber expensive design icon or want to paint your lounge the latest shade of grey as long as you are being you then that's all that matters. We all have the right to have an opinion on what's hot or not in the world of design and that can be freely done in an instant. As well as that what's better than sitting back relaxing with a coffee whilst nosing around peoples homes or your heart skipping a beat when you come across a delicious vintage Eames chair.
Blogging enables everyone to have a say, to illustrate what gets their creative juices flowing and show it off to the world. The internet has become the biggest shop window of taste, design and inspiration. How did we cope without the endless supply of gorgeousness at our fingertips, if my internet connection goes down for a few hours I start having withdrawal symptons.
Being nominated for a blog award, well that was totally unexpected but also very flattering. I didn't start Obsessilicious to be showered with awards or for people to fawn over my taste but to have a place to call my own on the big old Interboogle where I could ramble on about what I think about as I fall asleep at night or find myself daydreaming about. I really didn't think that people would even take notice and I certainly didn't expect to gain followers, it's like talking to myself and suddenly realising that I have an audience. I enjoy my little obsessive world where all is not perfect and there is always room for improvement and that's why I like to blog about our own apartment which has been in a state of flux now for nine years. It's a invaluable way to gauge opinion on what I have been up to and yes of course it's also very nice that people like what I have achieved or the latest thing I'm lusting after.
Blogging for me has to be the ultimate design democracy.
Obsessive by nature, Obsessilicious by name...
A huge thank you to everyone who nominated me. The finalists have now been listed and if you would like to throw your vote my way then you can do so here...
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