You know when someone asks you who would you like to invite to a dinner party alive or dead, well I would love to be able to invite Charles and Ray Eames. I'm sure the other guests ( Kenneth Williams, Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol, Madonna and Stephen Fry ) would be bored stupid with me talking about chairs all night but hey it's my dinner party after all! I'll just have to make do with looking at these Eames chairs instead. Who would you invite?......
would have be the cherner family. love the eames though. melafrique
Inviting visitors and welcome them in this place will surely make them relax. Interior design using materials like this chairs add more beauty to one place, that's why I adore the use of this because it provides a unique design and gives an attraction to people.
I'm going to give a completely non-design answer and say Angelina Jolie! Beautiful design AND angie in the same room - wow ;)
We could have dinner for four and I'll invite Brad.... :)
How amazing is the view in that first picture? (and the landscape isn't bad, either - LOL!)
OOh, your fantasy dinner guests sound just perfect...
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