At long last I have started to put down the grey vinyl flooring in my loft/studio! It's been a while coming but I have bitten the bullet, it was a bit scary making that first cut but thankfully most of the edges will be covered by skirting boards which I will fit afterwards. With 26 square metres to cover there is still a way to go but it's a start.
I have also been doing an Ikea hack with the Aspvik unit I bought a while ago. I liked it but it was a bit boring and I wanted a more mid-centuryish look to it so I drilled the hole/handle in each door and then sprayed them. I'm rather pleased with it....
Looking mighty fine Mr G. Love it. The hack is very clever.
Are the doors behind the (very lovely and jealousy inducing) chair to undereaves storage? Did you make the doors yourself? Just trying to think about how ours it going to work.
I thought for a minute that you'd also cut the sliding door to give it an angle, but it was just the angle of the last shot.
It looks very cool indeed. It's amazing the difference a hole makes to the look of the piece.
Nice x 2! Lovely grey floor... and I'm loving that hack! :)
I lOVE the calendar/cabinet/flooring combination. Just discovered your blog and am head over heels: I would really like to use one of the older photos of your loft Stendig calendar (credited and linked of course!) to illustrate a blog post I am writing for http://www.owlsandpears.com. Would that be OK?
Thanks for the compliments guys!
Cannot wait to get it all finished now.
It is amazing how doing so little to something can completely change the look and feel of it.
My mother now wants me to do one for her!
Hi Rebeka, thank you for your kind words regarding my blog. Yes of course you can use any of my pics. Looking forward to seeing your blog post.
: )
It looks fantastic. I wish our loft was big enough for conversion. We only have just under 5ft head height at the highest point. I really must get an Eames chair too, if there are any left...
looks gorgeous, can't wait to see the finished result!!!
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