Here it is! A few things to finish off like the back of the unit where the stools are, the side panels on the wall cupboards and the bit between the dishwasher and washing machine. Oh and the whole lot needs repainting because it has all discoloured even though I only painted it last August!!! So I will have to paint the whole lot white again and I am considering painting the wall behind the hob a colour, I will post some mock-ups that I have done. I'm extremely pleased with it and the white glossiness of the units makes the kitchen look much bigger and brighter. I'm so glad that the devastation is over...
It's so beautiful! No wonder you're so happy!
can't beat a white kitchen, looks fantastic!!
Glorious! Those cabinets are beautiful.
It looks so so so good! And I love your floor even more now that I see the whole thing... fantastic!
It looks absolutely fabuous. And I love your bar stools.
gawjuss. and might I say that your header is just lovely, such good, clean design - like your kitchen!
Thanks for the compliments guys!!
Designers Brew.....We put the floor tiles down about six years ago and I still love them!
They were a bit pricey because they Italian porcelain but they were worth every penny! They never really look dirty! We have the same tiles in our bathroom but they are the darker near black version and they are also fantastic.
Thanks sherri! The only problem with my header is that I am now obsessed with changing the colour of it all the time! LOL!
Sigh and sigh again. It looks great. I love the stainless steel ypu've used. Well, I just have to be friends with my seventies kitchen for a while longer...
Great kitchen, I guess it is worth all the trouble u went trough. Now u just have to enjoy it and cook a lot!!!
By the way I like your blog
Just one word - wow!
You stole my kitchen! This is the Ikea one I wanted so desperately but couldn't make work with my existing bench and cupboards. It is simply beautiful! Great work. I came across your blog today and absolutely love it. Cheers, Jayne.
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