Well a week today we will be in New York!!! YAY!! We have managed to get tickets ( very good seats in row A!!! ) for the opening preview night of A Steady Rain with Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman. My partner David is beside himself with excitement because he does have a bit of a thing for Mr Jackman, neither of them do it for me but I'm very much looking forward to it.
I'm more than a little bummed that I don't live closer - I would love to meet you.
Congrats on getting such good seats!
And I keep meaning to tell you that there are still plenty of those Girard pillows at Urban Outfitters and they've even introduced a few new ones.
I was thinking exactly the same thing the other day my lovely!!!
Shall we meet half way!?? LOL!
David was like a lunatic, poised and ready with his credit card! He was determined to up close to Mr Wolverine!
Yes I noticed they had introduced a couple of new designs. I have located where the store is in relation to out hotel and I will also be picking up a LOVE cushion for the lovely Helen.
Knowing my luck they will be out of stock!!!
David has excellent taste...
Hugh Jackman - totally delicious.
Daniel Craig - baked potato.
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