Over at Livingetc in the gallery section they have posted more pics of Helen's beautiful home which she has lovingly restored. The first pic is a close up in her bedroom which includes my rocker print, the second one includes my sister's two domed grey handmade felt cushions and finally the third shows Helen's gorgeous G-Plan sideboard/drawers which I'm sure I could talk her into giving to me when we get drunk together! The artwork above is also Helen's own work which she has just sold. You can also see her stairs here and hopefully I will be interviewing her about her love of renovating and her weakness for cider very soon!
Helen is a goddess.
That home is divine.
P.S. She has exquisite taste in accessories.
Oh, to be Helen.
Well thank you - how thrilling to appear on your blogxx
I'm in love with that orange coffee table... amongst other things! Such great taste!
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