It has arrived and it's gorgeous!!! Although I had rushed to London Town to see it in the flesh and sit on it I was still nervous that we had made the right choice. We had been looking for so long for the perfect corner unit at the right price and the perfect colour grey that I had all but given up. Then I came across this beauty at Love your home for less and I was smitten. It really is very comfortable and most importantly (because he hadn't seen it for real before ordering it) David loves it.The charcoal grey fabric is the most perfect grey and it fits the space perfectly, the pics seem to make it look much smaller but believe me it's huge and there is plenty of room for us both to stretch out on it. The grey on the walls is a much more perfect match in real life too. We are two very happy customers!
Now we want to change the flooring which was put down by me when we first moved in eight years ago but the upheaval will be monumental! We have discussed the possibility of a polished concrete floor which would look amazing and even though we are living in an apartment our floors are concrete underneath so there wouldn't be an issue of weight etc.
I have also at last decided how I am going to change the units under the TV because we desperately need more storage space and to hide the ever growing collection of David's gadgets!!!
i fits in perfectly!
I really like the yellow accent pillows!
It looks amazing, love it, and love your blog!
Ylva, Oslo
That is one GORGEOUS sectional (as we Yanks say)!
Fantastic choice!!!
I love it! The colour is fantastic...
It is gorgeous! I love that colour too and we managed to find one from Ikea which is also beautiful but not as stylish or as large! Great job. Jayne
It looks fantastic! I think a sofa purchase is one of the hardest to make. The whole room looks great. I love the white unit you have under the tv. It's so sleek.
It's sofa king pretty and looks comfy to boot!
that sofa kicks so much ass! We are looking for something similar right now too, so hard. Looks like you made a wonderful choice, love the color, the lines, the metal legs. all of it. congrats!
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