While battling through the maze of mayhem which is Urban Outfitters in Manhattan looking for the Girard LOVE cushion I spotted these little beauties. They are in the Alexander Girard range but were not listed on the website. The design is called "Geometric E" and on first spotting them they literally took my breath away, I instantly bought one and then ended up speeding across town in a cab to buy a second one! I only know the name of the design because David bought me the "Alexander Girard designs for Herman Miller" book by Leslie Pina (which is fantastic BTW!!!) this week for my birthday. Why haven't I mentioned my birthday you may ask???......because I'm not happy with my age that's why! Regardless of that I had a great day and I received very thoughtful presents including a Mont Blanc wallet and money towards yet another Eames upholstered chair that I have my beady chair addicted eye on...
Well, happy birthday to you! I don't talk about my birthdays anymore either for the same reason(!)
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