After one week of complete and utter madness before Christmas our rental flat was finished! There were so many snagging problems to be sorted out including the lounge carpet which didn't fit properly that we were left with approximately six days to get everything finished before our short term tenant moved in. Painting walls, IKEA deliveries, putting said IKEA furniture together, cleaning, shortening curtains and blinds while painting canvases for the walls...you name it it had to be done! I ended up stripping the Series 7 chairs and spraying them a matt black because the original yellow paint was quite chipped in places. The Componibili units in the master bedroom were supposed to be black but the order didn't arrive in time so we ended up using ours from our bedroom. The black ones have now arrived so we will swap them over and there are also two more black ones for the spare bedroom in the rental flat.I had to keep the budget down as much as I possibly could and in the end I managed to do it for approximately £3500 which I was very pleased with considering we had to buy egg cups to beds and everything in between!
wow - you did alot with your budget...i'm impressed...
looks great...
WOWWEE - I couldn't imagine a rental flat could look so fabulous. A-mazing job, you two!
I am really impressed that you did all this. I have a tiny apartment in Paris that had to be refurbished ( originally designed in the 70"s - I'll post the bef./aft. pictures soon on my blog) so I could rent it by the week furnished -http://www.parisaddress.com/paris-apartment-rental/qs.php?ref=PICCI16 - (if you feel like seeing it) and I ordered from here all Ikea so my contractor could pick it all up and install and put together. I spent 4 days in Paris byuing appliances etc. and I found that exhausing! so for you Bravo!!It's beautiful!
Gorgeous, gorgeous flat. I would pay to live there...especially if I could keep it that clean. :)
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